About me!!

Hey there! My name is Bella Russo, I am 18 and a Senior at Windermere High School. I have been on the Varsity Cheer Team for the past 4 years! I am so excited to be able to have Dance Marathon in person this year! My why; I am participating in Dance Marathon to raise funds for my local Children's Miracle Network Hospital to help provide life-saving care to kids in need. I too have been in that situation where I needed to be sent to Arnold Palmer Hospital. Together we can change kids' lives and change the future - but I need your help! 

What is Dance Marathon?

Dance Marathon is a year-long fundraising campaign sponsored by the children’s miracle network that the Windemere high school SGA has been a proud participant and leader in since our opening year. students across the country stand for a designated number of hours in one night/day to raise money and stand For The Kids. 100% of the money raised and donated at the events go to the children’s miracle network and the kids.

 How to donate. 

Your donation is tax-deductible and will make miracles happen for families who desperately need them. You can be a hero for patients at your Children’s Hospital. To donate to my campaign, simply click the “Support Me” button at the top of my profile and follow the on-screen instructions—every dollar helps!


Our “why”

  Despite all the road blocks we have faced this past year, we are ready to hit the ground running in fundraising for the kids at Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital. Our mission this year is to focus on our WHY and really reflect on why we do what we do for these kids, because they need us now more than ever. #KidsCan’tWait

Thank you for supporting me! Together, we can change kid's health and change the future. 


Spread the word and give kids like Jaden every chance to get better.

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