MORALE COMMITTEE profile picture


2021 IUPUI Dance Marathon

Welcome to MORALE 2021!

MORALE is in charge of keeping everyone excited to fundraise for pediatric research and keeping the energy HYPE within the organization. We spend the year creating a eight minute song and line dance that we teach to the participants in-event. Besides teaching the dance, on the day of Jagathon we also serve as color team leaders for Jagathon participants. Other responsibilities of Morale include creating an alumni and high school song/dance, helping with color wars, and hosting the Jagathon Pageant and Pie in the Face. 

Check out the 2021 MORALE DANCE:

Your donation is tax-deductible and will make miracles happen for families who desperately need them. You can click the "donate" button at the top of this page to make a safe and easy online donation.  

Thank you for supporting our efforts! Together, we're saving kids' lives.  



Team Members