OUDM holds a very special place in my heart. You probably know that I have been dealt a large sum of medical struggles in the last two years. October 14, 2019 my life changed forever. Due to a medical emergency I lost both my colon and my right leg. Unfortunately, an amputation ultimately saved my life. I spent 18 day in ICU, had 8+ surgeries, and I spent over 2 months in the hospital. Lucky for me, I was able to stay in Houston getting care I needed surrounded by the support of my family. This all has inspired me to work hard to raise money for other kids like me.
Dancing for more hugs from my best buddies!
OUDM holds a very special place in my heart. You probably know that I have been dealt a large sum of medical struggles in the last two years. October 14, 2019 my life changed forever. Due to a medical emergency I lost both my colon and my right leg. Unfortunately, an amputation ultimately saved my life. I spent 18 day in ICU, had 8+ surgeries, and I spent over 2 months in the hospital. Lucky for me, I was able to stay in Houston getting care I needed surrounded by the support of my family. This all has inspired me to work hard to raise money for other kids like me.
Dancing for more hugs from my best buddies!
I raised over $4000 from my hospital bed, and then the next year we hit $10,014 FOR THE KIDS!
With the money that is being raised, miracles are happening, and families are getting to stay together. The money that OUDM raises goes directly to the Children ’s Hospital in Oklahoma City. This money helps bring in the best doctors which helps families stay close without having to travel out of state. Our community donations make it easier on families, keeping them together during the time that matters most. Your donation gives families a support system in their home state. Your donations keep families together, just like mine!
My best buddies Vivianne and Veronica inspire me each and every day! These girls are brave, strong, and are going to change the world!
I raise money for Jalesa, Katie, Henry, Casey, Parker, Vivianne and Veronica, Zaiden, Samantha, Connor, Jaxon and Lincoln, Dylan, Jenna and Julie, Adeline and Bennett, Emily, Brock, Mattie and Jeremiah, Abigail, Jack, Jonathan, Grace, and every other child who ever has been treated or ever will be treated at the Children’s Hospital. Because no kid deserves to live their lives in a hospital room.
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