The Community Marathons program at DM at FSU is made up of seven high schools and various middle and elementary schools throughout Leon County. These programs recruit and fundraise year-round to help the kids who need it most. In 2020, Leon, Maclay, Chiles, Rickards High School, Florida State University School, Lincoln High School, and John Paul II High School, and the various middle schools raised a total of $545,261.14 For The Kids! 


SCHOOL SPIRIT: Our goal as a Community Marathon program is not monetary. We aim to instill a passion for service in high school students across the state. Through a combination of student body engagement and leadership opportunities, our hope is that your students develop a deeper love for your school and our cause.


COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Our Community Marathon Programs go beyond our students to involve the entire community. Dance Marathon is a nationally recognized brand, with an extremely involved alumni network from both the Florida State University and our nation wide Dance Marathon Alumni network.


MENTORSHIP AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Our team is responsible for cultivating the leadership skills of our participating high school students. We focus on personal and professional development while integrating students to the inner workings of Dance Marathon and the history of our philanthropic cause.


If you or your high school are interested in starting a Dance Marathon program, please email [email protected].